Thursday, April 05, 2007

Jim Cramer's Mad Money In-Depth Stock Picks, April 3 - Seeking Alpha:

"New Rule #2: 'Make sure your stocks actually fit the bill,' Microsoft (MSFT) and Cisco (CSCO)
In addition to doing homework, Cramer warned, 'Don't be bamboozled by what sector your stock belongs to. Instead, know precisely what you own and why you own it.' Cramer cautions viewers not to confuse a rally in an entire sector with a rally within the sector. Broad sector rallies are not too difficult to spot or predict. For instance, when the Fed cuts interest rates, rallies are prevalent among cyclicals, and when the economy is perceived as being weak, consumer staples rally. However, 'most rallies don't work that way,' Cramer said. For instance, when there were stories about a tech rally in June 2005, Cramer chose MSFT and CSCO as names that 'represented' tech, when the upsurge was actually a gadget rally, and did not affect these stocks. Cramer suggests looking at industries within sectors. "

1 comment:


Great post great blog.